Camels & the Outback by H.M. Barker (1995)

Author H.M. Barker
Barcode 9780859051828
ISBN 9780859051828
Format Books
Publisher Hesperian Press
Size 112 x 215 x 18mm
Weight (g) 260 g

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Product description

In Camels and the Outback H.M. Barker gives a fascinating account of the years he spent as a camel driver in remote areas of Australia. In his lively anecdotes he introduces the reader to a number of unforgettable characters, such as W.C. Snell, who was known as the 'roughest camel driver in the country', and the eccentric 'Dobson of Australia', who used to shave by burning off his beard with ... Read More

In Camels and the Outback H.M. Barker gives a fascinating account of the years he spent as a camel driver in remote areas of Australia. In his lively anecdotes he introduces the reader to a number of unforgettable characters, such as W.C. Snell, who was known as the 'roughest camel driver in the country', and the eccentric 'Dobson of Australia', who used to shave by burning off his beard with lighted sticks.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the book is the detailed description of camels used as draught and pack animals in the bush. The author's commentary on the behaviour, capabilities, and limitations of camels shows how well he knew and understood them. His vivid recollections remind the reader that camels were invaluable as carriers and were used extensively throughout the continent for more than a generation.

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Author H.M. Barker
Barcode 9780859051828
Isbn 9780859051828
Format Books
Publisher Hesperian Press
Size 112 x 215 x 18mm
Weight (g) 260 g

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